With the help of the five themes of "pathography", I was successful in my attempt to find diseases in every continent of the world. Through my research, I found that a majority of the world's diseases are found in Third world countries. These diseases are generally insect-borne and highly contagious. Third world countries lack the health care needed to keep these diseases under control. Take malaria for example, back in the 80s there was an epidemic affecting most of the Australian continent, today there are maybe 70 to 80 cases per year. Most of Australia is considered to be First world, they have the medical treatment available if needed. Northern Africa on the other hand does not. They alone have a third of the world's malaria cases. Human environment interaction also plays a role in new diseases surfacing every couple of years or so.
Chogas is a Latin American disease that came about soon after people began the process of deforestation in order to start the development process. A prime example of how human environment interaction brings about new disease. With globalization on the rise, infection carrying insects and diseases native to particular regions of the world are showing up everywhere. Through my research, I found that Lyme disease is not only found in the U.S. it is also found in Europe. What's more interesting, scientist now believe that the disease originated over there.
Though many diseases are insect-borne, we can also find it in our blood and in the food we eat. Disease is everywhere and has always been. All we can do is use the technology and medication available to use to combat these ever changing menace to society.
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